Love the game. It captures the action of the actual madness series, and makes you feel badass like hank. >:P The arena mode is the best fucking thing of the game, followed by the christoff story arc.
My only gripes with the game are: I wish you could somehow, some way, control the combo of your melee attacks, instead of them being completely random each time you attack. I keep punching guys away, when I mean to finish them. :\ The Savior should have more powers! >:( make his flying evade move maneuverable, while in flight, and give him the holy shield bullet block( you could make it done like Shift + Spacebar or something) :D Maybe make some of his special moves simple button combinations that end with pressing shift, or if you hold down shift for a full second for a big move(like a telekinesis blast or him levitating a guy with his mind to be vulnerable for a follow up move) and maybe make his magic bar slowly regenerate. My point is, The Savior aint strong enough! D:<
Maybe, for arena, you could make special fights that happen in specific waves, where you'd have to fight a tough boss or something, with either no other enemies or just one small group accompanying some of the boss fights. Maybe some of the boss fights could even be a small group of tactical elite guys(WAY more elite than your standard A.T.P. engineers and soldats) that fight smarter and work as a group in their attacks, to give you a lot of trouble. I wanna see more variety in the waves >:)
I can't wait to see the grappling, using your enemies as shields, dual weilding, skill tree, and the execution system. >:P maybe you could give different and unique executions for each character( Like, maybe, Tricky spazzes out and rips his victims head off and starts slamming the decapitated head against the guys headless body, or rips him apart entirely, Jesus stabbing a guy with his sword and shooting him in the head, like in Madness 7 >:D or hank ripping the flesh off a guy with his bare hands, or using piano wire, ect. )
Also give us the option to customize the controls. I wanna be able to perform a flip while holding a melee weapon :D